Website Security
Active Mobility Centre has recently (in June 2015) taken extra steps to increase security on our website, for your safety, protection and peace of mind. We have made all of the pages on our website secure - so every page that you view on our website is over a secure connection.
When you enter your card details in our checkout procedure, you enter your details into the Worldpay system which is a specialist payment processor dedicated to handling secure payments. When Worldpay process your card details, you can be confident the payment details are processed securely in line with PCI DSS compliance - special rules laid down by MasterCard and Visa.
We use modern cryptography standards on our website's secure server certificate - we bought a new certificate in April 2015 which uses the new style 2048-bit private key technology, and we host our website on a stable and well maintained system which is updated by security specialists - we were updated to protect against the internet-wide Heartbleed security problem before most people even knew about the potential problem!
You can check the top of any page on our website - you'll see showing in the address bar for every page: unlike many other websites, we don't use the "non-secure for most pages, secure for the payment pages" idea - we keep everything on a secure connection.